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scrap metals

You know how when you got in the scrap metal business you didn't know anything? 

I created a virtual course for beginners that teaches the fundamentals of ferrous scrap metal. Not only do you save time by not having to train your new teammates but most importantly you prevent quality, environmental and safety problems from occuring.

Step One

Watch our Ferrous Education For Beginners Course that is absolutely free!

Step Two

Schedule 3 virtual lunch-in Training Sessions!

Step Three

We go deep on ferrous scrap metal from your customer's (the buyer) viewpoint.

Ferrous Education for Beginners

Improving the quality of incoming and outgoing scrap metal by giving you and your team access to the best ferrous scrap metal education course on the internet so your team can perform at its best.

Ferrous Scrap Grade Overview

Ferrous Scrap metals

Nowhere else can you get an in-depth explanation of what 36 different ferrous grades are, along with backstories of what and why mills like each grade.

With the End In Mind

Grade scrap metal

Understand the basics of an EAF, guide  on how scrap metal is used, consumed, and why having high-quality scrap is so important.

13 Examples Of What Scrap Isn't

engineer with helmet

Your recycling facility will be SAFER and ENVIRONMENTALLY friendlier
by having a well-trained scale
house and inspection team.

Rejections Are FRUSTRATING

Sealed units and dirt are two common reasons for rejection. Dealing with rejection at your local steel mill is not only costly and time-consuming, but it does serious damage to your reputation. Empower your team with knowledge of what creates a quality scrap package, and more importantly, get them to understand WHY scrap quality is so important to steel mills builds the groundwork for your team to recognize what makes a scrap metal recycler successful.


Your scrap quality today, guarantee's your revenues tomorrow!

Sealed Unit.jpg
Environmental Hazards Are The Worst

Dealing with environmental hazards are a pain and a persistent problem if you do not have the proper systems in place. This course gives your new team member a tool to learn what cannot be tolerated at a scrapyard and steel mill. Stop putting the pressure on yourself to be a professor of scrap and allow this course to teach your team the way they are accustomed to, via online videos and quizzes.


My Team Will Not Accept Something New

I know some of you are just scared to try something new or have doubts that your team will really embrace the information. I get it, I did too. But I realized the guy I was training was only as confident in the information as I was.


Baptism by fire is the old way of learning the scrap and steel industry. YOU, more importantly, your company, is not OLD when it comes to innovating. Take the first step to taking your team to the next level by allowing them to learn in a format in which they are most comfortable for absolutely free. 

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